No more 'R-'required when creating a Civil 3D Alignment
Adding an 'R-' in the Alignment Description is no longer a requirement when creating a road object. If the Create/Edit Road command is used, than the software will assume a road object is being created. If the Create String/Profile command is used, than the software will default to creating a string object.New 'Intelligent Sections' command
This command was created to replace the Multi Section Batters command and allows for the designer to create more powerful conditional based sections or batters. Users now have the ability to perform 'end depth checks' and have more control over how the depth check is calculated.Grid Editor in the VGE
The Grid Editor allows users to add and edit their vertical IPs in a grid format.
When the Grid Editor is loaded, all IP's will be displayed. These IP's can be edited in the grid editor and the edit is instantly applied to the road or string. The user can override the chainage, level, and VC length and also quickly assign an elevation or grade difference between IP's.
One great feature of this command is the ability to apply a horizontal shift to the vertical design.
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